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This FREE workshop is for you to learn how to "Rebalance & Reconnect to you, in 8 easy steps" 

You will learn to focus on:
🌟Self examination 
🌟Setting goals
🌟The plan of attack
🌟Moments of reflection 

Hairstylists, are you feeling BURNT OUT & OVERWHELMED with your life?!

I want to share what has helped me find a more joyful life in and out of my career through the importance of balancing our priorities and not simply living to please others but rather living for our own souls highest purpose. 

This class is for you if you are ready to make a change in your career and life and step off the hamster wheel of going into the salon everyday feeling like it’s Groundhog Day and letting your life pass you by. 

You will learn to release what needs to go in your life.

Use “problems” and turn them into innovation.

Create structures and plans which will equal more freedom.

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